Anonymous 07/03/2024 (Wed) 18:15 No.77446 del
>why not have fun
because the short-term "fun" leads to long-term suffering. sure there will always be negative things that pop up in someone's life regardless, but you can reduce your long-term suffering and better ensure a long(er) life by not feeding into your hedonistic desires which lead to addiction. I'm not the one anon you've been talking to, but I and other people have long-term aspirations and don't want to feel like we've wasted our lives when we get to the end of it. I don't say this to be rude, but I highly doubt drug addicts who've accomplished little to nothing in their lives get to the end of it and think "man, I really should've done more heroine and drank more booze." it's a sad thing to see someone go down that road, but ultimately it's their choice whether to give it up or not.