>>78204im aware of all this. you know, im addicted to pain killers because im pretty sure my joints are fucked up with all the comorbid illnesses that comes from having autism and adhd. but its hard to get diagnosed, especially when youre in a country youre not a citizen of.
im sure i have some deep problems, but im always thankful for my parents. they really help me a lot. im not sure what they would think of me using drugs, but im sure they would be proud now that i am not doing as bad as i was in active addiction.
sad thing is, during my most active addiction, using heroin all the time, i was doing my best. i wasnt on here using my body to socialize and minimizing my self worth to my body. i was doing my best in schoolwork. going clean really made me tired and made me 3 times slower on schoolwork than i would be doing ritalin x heroin speedballs and finish 1 paper in 6 hours just to reward myself with H.
every day, i want to do heroin, i want to do opiates, shushing myself is always hard.
im sure they would forgive me once or twice but thrice they would find out im doing drugs they would probably lose hope on me.
>>78212LOL sometimes i ask a lot of questions which makes students sigh and get angry with me and im p sure im getting bullied by some girls because they think im a "know it all" or "goody two shoes"
>>78249thats why i could never tell him...
>>78255>doxx myself just to prove somethingyeah id rather just have some people not trust me. people didnt believe wren when she did anyways, it ended up being worse.
yes suboxone has worse withdrawals when you use it for a long time but its clearly not the same as heroin brah come on. im on the lowest dose (2 mg) and i do not get high from it. it just minimizes my withdrawals and cravings, and provides a tolerance that makes it so its senseless to use opiates before quitting suboxone for 2-3 days.
addiction IS a disease, you have that addiction gene and whatnot. also people with neurodivergent disorders are more likely to self medicate with drugs.
to be honest i make fun of those who get addicted to meth or weed or ketamine or coke. it has no withdrawals, when you quit, you have no reason to use again. when youre out of a baggie just wait a week and you wont be a crackhead. but noo. thats why i think being a dope fiend is based and since real crack is out of the picture and all coke addicts go homeless id say theyre cringe.
not to say in US the opioid epidemic is so bad that previously opiate prescribed sick people cant get it because doctors are told to not prescribe it as often are on the streets getting H or most likely fentanyl. rip