07/10/2024 (Wed) 21:17
Do we even know who this ekat guy is? If we have seen Andrei's picture already, there's no doubt ekat's face is out there somewhere. So far we know he was Andrei's friend who used to roleplay as a underaged girl for manipulation purpuses. Also he's Pro-Ukraine given his Reddit and Twitter account.
Plus, if Topper is telling the truth abouth him, we also know he fucked Marky. So, if Marky knew about his real identity all along, why lie to Ken saying it was just Andrei's burner account to manipulate both girls? Why didn't Marky expose Ekat too if he played a huge part on this drama? That's something I don't understand about Marky's thinking process. Andrei is the huge Russian mastermind but ekat's identity is protected thanks to her.
And obviously there's no way Ken knew ekat is actually a guy before all of this leaked. So it's dumb of Ken to side with Marky when, in reality, Marky lied all along.