tinker 07/18/2024 (Thu) 16:14 No.81611 del
how am i a predator abusing someone when i was not even there or involved in any capacity, and was very upset by what actually did happen?
im talking abt the guy on her tiktok. different guy.

this is literaly the internet. no one likes being laughed at or made the butt of the joke, but thats the very nature or trolling. are you going to cancel every single prankster or troll?

ive never lied about being raped, i can go into more detail about that if any of u care

idk abt if things r better, i only care abt the truth. also, its funny that u had to switch from saying i have sex to "impulsive sexual shit"

they r not "fucking with autistic people". with the tiktok there is like 1 or maybe 2 autists out of like a hundred random men. you may be surprised to learn their actual target demographics KEK
>writing it off and making excuses.

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