Anonymous 07/21/2024 (Sun) 18:23 No.83607 del
Like he said, there you go not taking accountability for anything. You come in here acting uppity and better than all the other e-girls, then get exposed as just like the other e-whores while beliving you can talk down to the same people you want attention from. You act tougher than you are, being a walking stick that hasn't seen a burger in her life.
If you'd stop attention whoring, this all goes away, but you're still pigeon-brained to do it, so you'll continue getting heat until it is too much. So, by your own actions, attention whoring for the same people you call pedros, un-anonymously, will bring unwanted attention to your personal life and you don't get to cry about it like it isn't your fault.
Also, both grown men and 18 year old girls who also, of their own accord, GO for those older men, would both fucking hate you for your stupid line of thinking. Given all of this, yes, you deserve to have your personal life ruined. The word pedro means what it means for a reason, and will never be applied to 18+ in a serious manner. Dumb bitch.