Anonymous 07/23/2024 (Tue) 20:07 No.83920 del
Couple weeks before her death:
>Ciara deserves the death penalty
Shortly after her death:
>Hopefully she is dead

That first thread was right after Sunny "came back" and was posting in Sheep Village. Her and Ciara argued about whatever which was the first time they'd interacted in probably more than a year. There's other stuff she said on discord later expressing either her indifference or happiness about her death, but I don't feel like looking for the screenshots. She'd get really mad whenever anyone would, like, post photos of Ciara or say anything positive about her, or really even talk about her at all, she'd always go off about how she was a terrible person and she did whatever to her and she wanted people to stop talking about her. I don't know why any of this would be surprising, she's pretty much hated her since 2018.