Anonymous 07/27/2024 (Sat) 14:01 No.84622 del
(1.18 MB 970x822 scapegoat.png)
Empath is not pathethic like cewl to the point of forcing herself and posting nudes non stop in this specific orbiting imageboard. Sometimes it feels as if empath was a character made as a coping mechanism or a literal mentally ill person that belongs on r9k while cewl does not. Empath is ridiculously funny like a character, cewl attempts to be a character but fails (it's her real personality).
People are interested in empath as a lolcow, nobody actually finds cewl funny only her coomer simps (spoiler alert they want nudes).
Where is a video talking about cewl lore? no where to be found, you aren't e-girl material to the point of an autist making a video about you