Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 14:55 No.87866 del
Excuse the wall of text.
>Lefty memes

Not what I meant - [Kurt Kobain/Billie Eilish/Bauhaus/Johnny Rotten/Blackpink] is the Wuhan lab and [grunge teens/wiggers/goths/punks/kpop fans] are the wet market for spreading the virus.
>usually teenage but the majority of Western adults have elements of this
>fake cuteness as self-shielding form of aggression: anime, deliberate fake smiling, jester toddler clothing >>85398, typing in lowercase bc ur just chill asf or w/e forreal *squishy cheek peace sign*, "amy they/them (smol kitten !!)". "Look at this grown ass man getting mad at cute little old me xD" (meanwhile overhauled their entire life and identity in order to own people)
>deliberate ugliness as an attempt to get under people's skin: intentional torn and unfitting clothing, unshaved pits, glib offhanded carefreeness, irony, green dreadlocks, greasiness, eyebags, intentional low intelligence identity ("we're the young generation maaaaan", "bruh were just chill asfuck idek why your so mad forreal")
>default passive aggressive due to abusive working-class parents and getting mind-cooked by school social dynamics (popularity, bullying, etc.) or by politics in the case of Tumblr and Nick Fuentes streetwear wignats
Punks break out of their shell by just openly covering themselves in shit, instead of risking bullying by being sincere and privately trying to fix their minds to handle embarrassment. Posting pictures of yourself at 15 years old on goddamn chansites is a form of covering yourself in shit, which brings it back to selfposting. They also use drugs and get teen pregnant not because of the animal pleasure, but to convince themselves to "not worry about my problems", "everything will work out". Again, this does not just apply to teenagers.

Am I being too harsh? Absolutely. Being forthright is not entirely bad. You need some way to get out of your shell without spending years fixing every mental problem you have. I'm just here because Ciara is hot.