sage nuke 08/13/2024 (Tue) 03:54 No.89874 del
>partying at an airbnb
>tinker keying random peoples cars
story i literally made up and admitted to making up to fuck with the server. People believed it for like 3 seconds before seeing thru the larp. My sin is partying at an airbnb. Youd do the same if people actually enjoyed your presence enough to party with. But they don't and your life entails seething about more successful people on nigga endchan. It is so dope being me and not you, and frankly if I was you I would kill myself. If your goal is to fuck with me, try with all your strength and willpower to make my life suck 1/10th as much as yours. Trust me I get lolcows, I know all of them, I've known about this site for as long as it's been up, but nothing about me or tinker is interesting enough to milk for lols. We're just normal people having fun and enjoying life, hurting nobody. Our friend fbw trolls retards much like yourself, clearly to the point of total mental breakdown, and I think thats kek. Being based enough to have alogs is a good feeling. Cope and seethe and slam your head against the wall repeatedly.