sage nuke 08/13/2024 (Tue) 20:14 No.90000 del
man it is literally you lmao just stop retard. yeah we fucked with you on the phone so you gigasperged. Take your L and chill the fuck out. Your dad agreed that you werent blackmailed, there was no evidence of it, even if there was everything was so obviously tonge in cheek that only the biggest retard in the world would have taken it seriously, which you then did. You made larsonleaks, made like 100 fbw knockoff accounts, made fbwexposed on tiktok, then you made the sabbathstd subreddit. When we talked to your dad he came into your room and yelled at you and made you delete everything, which was really funny. Frankly, the only reason I don't do that again is because watching you melt down over nothing is incredibly entertaining, especially when you pretend like you have anything on me, fbw or tinker. You got nothing, move on to bigger and better things. Its extremely laughably pathetic.