Anonymous 08/24/2022 (Wed) 14:58 No.5573 del
>thinking I would find some baby faced, clean shaven, 20 year old attractive
I wouldn’t be within 50 feet of that ugly mother fucker. That doesn’t look like a real man. In fact, that isn’t a real man. What real man rids himself of his masculine features, such as facial hair? Is he trying to look like a school boy? Maybe the girls that have had sex with you liked the school boy look, but I have some self respect. I like an actual man. Protip: If the man looks like he would make a god awful tranny, no matter how hard he tries, he would be a good candidate for a partner. However, that child you posted could easily be mistaken for a female if he grew out his hair. Does that little twink look like he could choke me or put me in my place? He looks like he could barely choke his own chicken. What has this boy accomplished in his life other than looking impossibly smooth? As you all see, I like hair. On my man, on me. Should I post my vagina? It wont be pretty, but I'll do it. Like, it REALLY wont be pretty. You guys ever watch kids getting slimed on Nickelodeon? It's like that, but with a shit ton of pubes and no kids. If you read between the lines, you may have deduced that my slizz is proper hairy n slimey.

TLDR; I literally have more hair on my left pussy lip than that grade schooler does on his entire body. Nigga looks like Powder