Anonymous 08/24/2022 (Wed) 15:20 No.5578 del
This was 100% written by a man. No woman is capable of writing full sentences. All women type the immediate word that comes to mind and hit enter. They are like monkeys. They lack soul and emotions, well except anger. The only love women feel is the love of feeling angry. Also, no woman uses phrases like "shit where you eat" or refer to their vaginas as a box. They also never use the phrase "and/or". Basically, woman are illiterate. Whenever you see women write, they are often times too literary/flowery. They will describe in great detail what it felt like to wake up, when the point of the article might actually be about how lead paint lowers your IQ.

Now, don't think I'm defending dog fuckers. I don't think all, or even most women fuck their dogs. I do think it's a higher number than most would want to admit, but it's not most women who own a big dog. It's likely women who are already damaged beyond repair. Women who are pornstars, women who brag about "having" BPD (aka being a crazy bitch), women who were molested, women who are single for years on end because of their repulsive personalities, etc. Dog dicks are fucking nasty, they look like if you took the inside of a vagina, turned it inside out, and formed a penis with it. Basically, dog dicks are the MtF dicks of the animal dick world.

For as much shit as you people give women for fucking dogs, why don't we bring up how it's common knowledge that all men would fuck a dolphin pussy if given the chance? *mic drop*