Anonymous 08/26/2022 (Fri) 15:42 No.5674 del
He, or I mean you, could stop torturing your own soul if you just went back to being a normal man. Instead, you chose to make your life into a state of being a constant victim. This is the great thing about the internet. You get total, unfiltered opinions. Most everyday people think you trannies are mentally fucked up freaks. Sure, we'll be nice to you to your face because we're trying to avoid the inevitable freakout when someone "accidentally" calls you sir. But online it is commonplace to have discussion which may be taboo to have in person. This is how the internet used to be. Before you fucking freaks who cut the tits off of 12 year olds and mutilate your dicks ruined the internet.

It's not very ladylike to get aggressive now is it, Luke? Go back to modeling your dick for gays on the internet.