NEET 06/18/2023 (Sun) 22:28 No.716747 del
“Born to shit – Forced to wipe”. As such goes an internet meme that started in January of 2019[1]. At first glance it may only appear to be one of many highly ironic memes of the kind that has rapidly gained popularity over the course of the last few years. Combining intimidating imagery with a sense of humour that would only belong in a kindergarten[2], this meme gained decent popularity. It is easy to dismiss it as a dumb attempt at humour. But in fact, this meme hides something much more complex beneath its apparently stupid outer. Something that, as you will soon see, tells us something about not only ourselves and the society we have created, but also our entire species.

Let us start by examining the first piece of this meme: “Born to shit”. This sentence may seem thoroughly childish at first, but it goes much deeper than what meets the eye. Every living human has to defecate in some way, making this line immediately relatable to the viewer. The focus on something as basic of a biological function as defecation, gives this statement a primal feel to it. After all, the need to rid ourselves of excrement is a trait shared by not only other creatures we live side by side with today, but also the ones we have descended from. Excretion of faeces becomes a unifying concept that binds together all life that is and has been, from the very first multicellular animals, to early hominids, to modern humans. In this meme, defecation becomes a symbol of primality, nature and our unity with it. It is one of the things we share with every other of Mother Nature’s children.