NEET 06/21/2023 (Wed) 08:04 No.717379 del
What the fuk is this shid? That creep IGAY got banned because hes a toxic piece of shid yet somehow only me and Nuro ended up leaving the board. Thats fine because we outgrew this here bottom feeding cringe and IGAY's 50% contribution to the PPH oh yes and further yet this slimy toad continues to smugly express himself like a tranny telling stories to the hypnotixed kiddies of communist and starts projecting how his worst enemies are pedos like he is in actual. Wallow in his vile presence you cuck fux I've had it with even lurking on moofies nights so im not gonna turn up there no more because I cant stand any of (You) for being pals with minor attracted human dogshid. (You) sux.
t. dublpluga