NEET 08/05/2023 (Sat) 08:22 No.735536 del
I bought skyrim. I haven't played it since not long after it came out.
One of the few games that I finished more than once.
I remember arguing with someone about how games aren't good enough to have dragons flying around in the sky.
I played it first while living in the thick of Webby territory. Moved in with my dealer, his missus was a gamer. She got it the day it came out I think.
I played it and got killed by a sabertooth tiger. 🐯 Finished it with a nord, and an ork.
Orks have berserk mode and you get two one handed axes and bash the triggers.
This version is the 'special edition', winner of over 200 game of the year awards. It had a free upgrade to ps5 when I installed it. Not sure if I can delete the ps4 version from the disc. 💿 There's also expansion packs included which I don't think she had.
Keen. Although this is the first time in at least 2 months since I turned it on. It made lots of noises, like the fan was clicking on something, or the belt that drives it is slipping.
I've only had it a bit over a year and don't use it often.
It's installed.