NEET 11/16/2023 (Thu) 04:15 No.771561 del
A mong lives in the state of nature they poo their pants and don't care, so pooing their pants cause no moral damage to a mong. Noble mong.
As a mong gains self awareness, they start to suffer spiritually as well as phisically. Like a dog they start feeling guilt if they poo inside. Gradually they gain moral computability which makes their life much worse. The worst position is in the middle.

The gamble neet has a highly evolved sense of self, and suffers more spiritially than phisically. As they gamble they degenerate, losing self awareness and suffering less. Gradually they lose moral culpability and start to suffer more phisically as they approach the center.

Neets in the center poo their pants in the RSL after losing all their money and suffer both woe and JUST. But from that position their life can only improve by taking action