NEET 11/18/2023 (Sat) 02:55 No.772797 del
>that's just a post that hit you a little too close to home
that's what a good troll would do
I mistook it probably because it had no attempt at self deprecation (like the neet posts do) and it didn't mention anything about him going through that
>Tell us your theory about hangovers.
mine is that the hungover is just dehydration and alcohol withdrawal
drink too much beer and you'll get hungover from dehydration
drink too much vodka and you'll get hungover from alcohol withdrawal
take a six pack
6 cans * 0.5 = 3 liters
at 4-5% alcohol content that should be 120-150 ml of pure alcohol
by our calculations that's a maximum of 375 ml of vodka
nobody gets hungover from that amount of vodka, but most people will get a hungover after a six pack
plus the hungover is different
when I'm drinking too much beer my head hurts like hell and I feel like a huge rock is over it
when I'm drinking too much liquor my head rarely hurts, but I always feel like my mind is clouded
if I'm drinking too much wine I get both the headache and the clouded mind