NEET 11/18/2023 (Sat) 03:23 No.772808 del
The whole article has the main points hidden in the story. I wonder if her real name is Nadia.
>In a written response to Background Briefing, Natalia's psychiatrist said that a one-hour telehealth session is usually enough for an experienced psychiatrist to assess for both those conditions and more.
>He also says that she "denied previous manic/hypomanic and clinical depressive episodes" in their first meeting.
>He says it might have been possible to diagnose her sooner "if she had admitted to having had BAD (Bipolar Affective Disorder)".
>Natalia's psychiatrist says up until her hospitalisation in April 2023, she had been "doing well".
>Having bipolar doesn't necessarily preclude the use of stimulants, but it carries extra risks, such as a higher likelihood of manic episodes or occasionally, psychosis.