NEET 11/18/2023 (Sat) 05:08 No.772869 del
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good morning. big sleep in again. all nighter on the cards.

>The older you get the longer it takes to bounce back.
Ackshually that is debated. It might not be age, but rather the amount of benders you've had, that dictate hangover severity. Something to do with the glutemate rebound and GABA homeostasis. I suspect this is why I had withdrawals so bad I almost had to go to hospital after a few days of medium-high standards (20, 20, 23). This is referred to as kindling:
Yes I'm aware it probably doesn't apply to your average drinkers.

Maybe your nose is fucked from all the sharting

There must be a way to stop it. Some kind of radio wave voodoo which interupts the microphone.

Many such cases. Overdiagnosed up the wazoo. Women particularly susceptible to self-diagnosis due to twinktok trends and 'neurodivergent' propaganda. Many of these retards can't take a shit or eat a meal without their phone. We are entering an age where we treat neurotransmitters like idols that we must venerate with pharmaceutical worship.
>“The danger is this will entrench the influence of a demand-based medicine practice, where people identify they’ve got ADHD and the role of the medical profession is to rubber stamp that,” Jureidini said.

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