02/03/2024 (Sat) 18:23
Before traffic starts up here.
To IGA and/or those who pose as IGA. I understand that Nuro can be arrogant and annoying, and a couple of quips directed to him can be fun. But why shit up so much the board you visit every day and spend this much time? Do you not get enough replies to normal posts? Going on with this madness is entirely useless. Nuro does his thing, you should find yours.
To the rest of the NEETs. Time to step up and take the BOs place. You know who posts what, you know the rules, you have to enforce them, have to moderate the discussion, keep it in a state that is passable for any one of you. Don't have to neuter the board, making it flat, don't have to intervene every word (or misinterpreted word). I know IGA (and/or those who pose as IGA) can be annoying when the 5 minutes is on him. But you are here every day and spend much time on this board, it have to be taken care of.
To Nuro: shut up. And especially, learn when to shut up.