03/02/2024 (Sat) 22:40
Might spend the day making up stories about the Jews waiting for the messianic age but produced their own omen because tikkan olam etc can't wait for the unfoldment of God within man. I'm sure there's something in the zohar about new stars being the messenger of the new age. All the old establishment is dying off and Aquarius has begun. The new God will be science and the promised land will be the firmament. If the new Jerusalem is heaven touching the realm of man, and the mixing of waters, then I'm sure some wise old rabbi with grand delusions could spin it as its man's job to bring the heavens down instead of elevating man. God will become mortal and weak.
I hope it all gets cut down, we can't fill the shoes. Might also be another sign of mockery to speed up Armageddon, and the new heaven.
Unfortunately only Tiff will understand from his apocalyptic training with the deacon but won't side with a communist.
I already believe it.