NEET 05/02/2024 (Thu) 05:15 No.848596 del
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I have not had any contact with a JSP since the end of 2021... Thank fuck, best feeling ever.

During my time on cenno i always made was ontime and made my oppointments. Only had to cancel one or two. Most of the time i told them i was constantly having to move house (rental crises)

The only time they fucked up hard was when i went on medical certificate which happened to be just before WFTD was due (i didnt know) when the med cert expired i rocked up to a meeting 6 months later and they had literally less than two weeks to place me on WTFD and i had no time to make any other arrangements. Incompetent fucks.

employment agencies are uselss and really there to stop people scamming cenno (multiple claims under different names) working a job when on the dole (hence the rndom appointments) and to make sure you dont leave the country and are living the easy life in thailand on ausssie bucks.