NEET 05/09/2024 (Thu) 08:51 No.851441 del
A mate of mine in highschool had this story as to how he was conceived by two of the male teachers. One who was really old had his balls shrivel up until his scrotum formed a cavity while the other, who was a massive exec, shoved in a belly roll came sweat.
The exec one used to always buy his lunch at the canteen (there was a line just for the staff) and he'd always buy massive amounts of food that he'd carry back to his office in a plastic bag. He used to have to stop and catch his breath mid-way even though it was only about 80 meters or so to walk each way. I don't know what he taught because he only dealt with students in the years above. The other one, the old one, was an English teacher. He was much more open minded than those type usually are.