NEET 05/29/2024 (Wed) 08:51 No.858206 del

its from my own retarded calculations
the ones online (picrelated) are only lodging, not including board
you shouldn't separate board and lodging, it fucked me over

board = the provision of meals and accommodation on a regular and continuing or indefinite basis
lodging = the provision of a room that the recipient can access as required on a continuing or indefinite basis

There’s a minimum amount of rent you need to pay to get Rent Assistance. For every $1 of rent you pay above this amount, you’ll get 75c.
If you pay board and lodging, cenno works out how much you can get based on lodging only.
If you can’t tell cenno what you pay for lodging, they use two thirds of the total board and lodging amount you pay as rent.

2/3 of board + lodging = rent amount
473 div by 2 = 236.5 x 3 = 708 (max, couple)

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