NEET 06/05/2024 (Wed) 06:25 No.860806 del
Thanks neet but I chickened out. I told her I liked her outfit and then immediately walked away again. I walked past her later on and she smiled at me but I was too timid and unprepared. She is friends with another girl who I recognise. I don't know the second girl's name or anything but I know where she hangs around so I might try to catch her tomorrow. Awful day today. Done basically nothing. I didn't shave. I look like a boong. Very anxious today. I'm not sure if I should just relax with a bottle of rose or try to be productive. A young man shouted "Is that Tom fucking Shelby?!" at me at uni before which caused a bunch of people to look at me. I didn't recognise the name but I understood at once with the way he shouted it and the context. I didn't correct him that I am drsssed as Tom Ripley, not Tom Shelby. I've had people mock me for the hat a few times now. Shouting "Peaky Blinders" or banging on an Irish or Cockney accent is not uncommon. My hair is long enough now I often go without it, but I've come to like wearing it. And I must admit I somewhat enjoy the reactions - both the insults and the compliments.
Cheers. Yeah, I've been making a point of it. It is way easier than I expected. Young men find it weird but for the most part people seem to enjoy it.
The train gooner started crying as the train pulled into the station. He was trying to tell me about something but couldn't because of his sobbing. I thought about staying with him to help him get off the train as he was struggling to stand due to his drunkenness but he insisted he was fine. Strange bloke.