NEET 07/08/2024 (Mon) 15:26 No.872329 del
Have you heard of staphylococcus aureus? Its a common bacteria there is also versions basically immune to all antibiotics known as superbugs that live in hospitals and end up killing boomers,fags and people with shit immune systems. These superbugs are created by constantly sterilizing shit 247. Staph A is known for being a hardy bastard well every since the 2000's its been mutating become very powerful transforming into these superbugs that shows up in a hospital and causes a fuck load of damage.

Now for the scary part, we humans have bacteria all over our skin and in our bodies right. There is a few types all living together and basically protecting our body from other bacteria. But if one of these bacteria takes over your body freaks out and you get a massive infection. WELLL its possible for one to have staphylococcus aureus superbugs living in harmony on your body. With it being helpful granting one massive immunities to bacteria infections.
If said person was to touch another persons hand with a cut in it. That staph A would go into the persons body and go hello sars it is time to redeem your new overlords!. And completely rekt the persons body. Causing a massive infection which would soon spread, as doctors switch to nuking the body. Giving them a cocktail of 5 antibotics by IV with the largest dose 4-5 times a day praying the next step does not happen.

The next step being going into septic shock aka septicemia aka oh fuck dude you dont look good you should go to the hospital(because you're going to die within 72 hours of going septic). Which means the pesons blood has become infected it turns to sludge causing the person to get a massive fever as in way way way above 40c as in they need to give you ice baths with salt water to drop your temp.

Indians have massive amounts of super harmful to everyone even most Chinese people bacteria colonizes living on their skin

It was quite literally fucking possible for a jeet to have yersinia pestis(the plague) living on their body causing no harm.

For you see bacteria has infected the jeets brain it has infected all of jeet society culture reasoning/logic. That filth is good anything that promotes the health growth and massive mutation of bacteria is good anything that harms bacteria is bad. Only animals shit in their home is average jeet logic urine and shit is sterile there for bathing in this sewer is healthy and clean etc etc insanity.
The jeet has become a natural biological weapon the bacteria tells the jeet it must leave its homeland to a far away place BUT IT MUST LIVE AROUND OTHER JEETS.

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