09/14/2022 (Wed) 17:21
Five Easy Pieces
(An oil rig worker, Bobby, lives with his girlfriend, Rayette, in Kern County, California in a small town. When Bobby finds out Rayette is pregnant and his best friend Elton is arrested for armed robbery, he returns to LA to see his family, finding out his father had two strokes. Bobby cheats behind Rayette's back whenever he has the chance to but Rayette is eager to maintain their relationship eventually pissing off Bobby's own family, who consider her to be poor white trash, 1970)
Wild Man of the Navidad
(Based on a true story, this film depicts the old conspiracy/fairy tale about the first sightings of "Bigfoot" in Texas, along the Navidad River bottoms. It's said that the Wild Man of the Navidad was eventually sold into slavery in Victoria, Texas, and lived in Refugio and Victoria Counties until his death, 2008)
The Shining
(Jack Torrance, a recovering alcoholic and former school teacher turned writer, takes a job to be the caretaker during the winter in the remote Overlook Hotel out in the mountains. Jack intends to stay three months in the giant hotel with his family while caretaking. Jack's son Danny has a telepathic ability called "shining" and on certain occasions Danny can see into the future. When Danny witnesses a horrific glimpse to come, he has to face his dreaded fear staying at the supposedly haunted hotel. As Danny starts having more frightening visions, Jack's mental health deteriorates creating a perfect self-fulfilling prophecy from his shining. Meanwhile Jack's wife Wendy is increasingly worried about the safety of Danny and Jack's declining mental stability. When Wendy suggests they leave the hotel, Jack snaps and makes it apparent he never intends to leave, 1980)