Anonymous 03/01/2023 (Wed) 09:44 No.45590 del
Americans are completely enslaved now.

Americans say that banning baseball hats would be great because you could still wear a cowboy hat.

Americans insist that checkpoints are fantastic because you can just use another road.

Americans think that outlawing spicy mustard is wonderful because you could still use original mustard.

Americans say that banning body armor is okay because you can easily make body armor with egg cartons.

Americans think that a 9 PM curfew is great because Americans like to go to sleep at 8 PM.

Americans say that unarmed Americans being shot in the back by the Gestapo is fine because everyone will be shot in the back eventually.

Americans swear banning dogs is good because no one likes dogs.

Americans scream that banning vaping is fantastic because you can still smoke.