Anonymous 04/13/2023 (Thu) 15:16 No.46278 del

Muslims had nothing to do with the 9/11 false flag terrorist attack. Do a little research and you will find out NORAD was ordered to stand down and not intercept the hijacked planes, the declassified CCTV camera footage at the Pentagon did not show any plane hitting the Pentagon that day, only an explosion that blew outward, firefighters witnessing demolition explosions all throughout the towers before they came down (and jet fuel can't melt solid thick steel!), WTC #7 did not get hit with any plane at all, still came down the same way as the other two trade towers, how about the General whistleblower who admitted he saw documents circulating right before 9/11 happened that outlined plans to invade Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and inevitably making our way to Lebanon and Iran too? Too much fishy shit that doesn't add up about 9/11. It was the neo-con coup in America to wage endless war and war profiteering on a massive scale which continues to this day in my opinion, we still have the same stooges trying to get us into war with China and Russia.