08/17/2023 (Thu) 14:34
i would hope you're not one of those self-hating brats younger by like 6-7 years with a secret daddy kink being so gullible to fall for just anyone claiming to be an oldfag or your personal concept of one. their undying enthusiasm or regurgitation of anything said by others or common knowledge stuff is pretty annoying. the automatic itch to mention anything with barest trace of /pol/ as though it reigned above other boards is another one. anyway, oldfags that couldn't find the perfect life and leave the internet are without much doubt hooked on drugs, going through poor mental health, and worse of all being alienated in their continued existence on the internet in obscure corners. that or they've joined groomer groups to become a piece of shit like all the other dumb fucks that can't find anything better to do in their age.