Anonymous 02/19/2024 (Mon) 15:32 No.50088 del
I have about a two year SHTF-scenario backup supply of basic essentials including food storage, firearms/ammo, sanitation supplies, medical supplies, extra clothing, alongside some backup fuel and generators, solar panels & 5,000W solar inverter, rain water storage system and a wood burning stove for winter. I am probably more prepared than most people, but in the event of a apocalyptic scenario I don't think I'm completely immune because there will be a ton of looters/marauders. Basically I plan to survive and hold out as long as I can, with no intention of becoming a slave to their "Great Reset" agenda. I don't really know if I have what it takes to survive this. If things get too miserable and helpless I'm saving an extra bullet for myself just encase. Honestly I'd rather that then living under a world completely enslaved by the commie globohomo cult.