Anonymous 08/15/2024 (Thu) 16:13 No.53133 del
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Editor's NOTE: This is a wholesome fun family film to watch with your kids, or grandkids. I like the story of this film because it will teach the younger generation right, from wrong. It also portrays the very real evil and threat to civilization by out-of-control obsessive war mongers. I'm surprised some neo-con war hawks don't want this film banned today.

Toys (1992). The owner of a toy manufacturing factory, Zevo Toys, is old and dying. He has two sons, one older who is full of laughs and joy, the other younger who is a Lieutenant General in the US Army. The owner decides, because of the lack of experience his older son has, that he rather hand over the family business to his younger son, a Lieutenant General who is obsessed about expanding war and angry over America's loss in Vietnam. When the younger brother takes over the company he proposes a preposterous plan to start making war toys, but not just any toys, toys armed with live munitions where kids can remotely control from the safety of their own homes, which can be used in battle to kill enemies and destroy other nations. The older brother is dead against this, and has to come up with a plan to stop his evil brother and his intentions to create murderous monsters out of innocent unsuspecting children who wouldn't know these toys are not mere video games in some fake virtual reality.