Anonymous 08/26/2024 (Mon) 15:40 No.53331 del
First off looks a little too fast paced. What is the story line? Is it a comedy, a suspenseful thriller, action-packed teen film or drama? Does it have any reasonably talented actors? There are very few Netflix films worth watching at least to my knowledge. Only a small handful of decent films are produced today, it is rather uncommon.

True. When people have the time. Most do not and that is why so many people do not bother watching movies today because they think everything sucks, and unfortunately they are 98% correct when they say that, they are just not aware about 2% of those films out there are actually great films with great story lines and talented actors/actresses.... IF they had the time to look and find them. That is what this thread was intended for. Great movie hunters who have the time and experience to sift through all the garbage to find those rare classic gems.