Anonymous 11/10/2023 (Fri) 02:02 No.18909 del
Hagakure is the essential book of the Samurai. Written by
Yamamoto Tsunetomo, who was a Samurai in the early 1700s,
it is a book that combines the teachings of both Zen and Con-
fucianism. These philosophies are centered on loyalty, devotion,
purity and selflessness, and Yamamoto places a strong emphasis
on the notion of living in the present moment with a strong and
clear mind.
The Samurai were knights who defended and fought for their
lords at a time when useful farming land was scarce and in
need of protection. They believed in duty, and gave themselves
completely to their masters. The Samurai believed that only
after transcending all fear could they obtain peace of mind and
yield the power to serve their masters faithfully and loyally even
in the face of death.
The word Hagakure literally translates as hidden beneath
the leaves and also fallen leaves. Perhaps it was named this

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