Anonymous 12/12/2023 (Tue) 07:44 No.20286 del
Not semi. FULLY functioning. I think about more than just one fetish because I legit have dozen kinks.. I'm not just horny for diaper art y'know. But then again idk who u are, so uh... sorry for that i guess?
Also what the fuck do you mean "sperg", no one uses that word anymore except for grown men stuck in zoomer developmental age.
I've taken dozens of breaks. I've made decisions such as quitting a certain account. This is not "ranting", this is pointing out the obvious awful quality of these threads.
>the few who want to help
>the few
Who are they, and to help with what? Re-educate this board and let it die? God. I'm the only one even telling you this. It's not even out of anger, it's an opinion that is more than underrated.
It's a damn fact.
>for 5 years
I've only knew about this board since 2021, and thus existed that time.
2020 was only the tip of the iceberg.
Learn the damn lore right at least.
Also why wouldn't I """rant""" over something that shouldn't have existed. Imagine having a board dedicated to yourself that you do nothing but minding your own business yet out of nowhere you're dealing with 24/7 harassment, stalking, BLATANT art theft - even from others, and a lot more.
>it's why he-
You barely understand fucking anyone, shut up. Rational adults are speaking, not stalkers like you

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