Anonymous 12/13/2023 (Wed) 22:48 No.20443 del
It is an imaginary concept, a word that attempts to define what weirdos do in their heads. Sex acts happen in your head (human) all the time, but that is an imaginary story. If it stays in the head, it's not against the law. Just don't allow it to become behavior. Culture and the rest of society may have bad opinions, morals and ethics concerning this aberrant or deviant type of behavior, so I wouldn't share this with them if you don't want trouble in your life. Not drawings, pictures, or words, even within casual conversations with people you think are friends because they may be shocked and/or offended by abnormal behavior. Beyond this point, you cannot predict what they will do - to you. This is why you have so much trouble, Jordan, because you have no filter on your filthy fucking mouth. I hope that this finally will drive this point home.

For further personal research:
Overview of Paraphilias and Paraphilic Disorders

Brotox perception drift cult