Anonymous 01/02/2024 (Tue) 10:19 No.21299 del
>I was wrong, huh?
Yes, Klim. You were wrong then and you will continue to be wrong, because projecting your OWN shortcomings isn't going to stop the victim.
Plus, that "planet" you probably don't know jack about is c alled planet secret. That just has Cricketbottom species. Watnai was just a fun project I wanted to do. And frankly, the 2021 concept is somewhat up to date.
No, UnknownHUman did.
No I fucking don't you fucking idiot.
>klim's larp
Thank god for awareness, but no thanks to your untreated stupidity.
Rose is not even her name. That is not my cousin. That's another family member from somewhere in Secret Starter Road.
>don't go rewiring histo-
You're the one thinking it's my cousin or sister. Shut up.
>and living in the past
Says the one obsessing over my family members a year later.
>thinking a random real person image is a drawing

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