Anonymous 01/22/2024 (Mon) 14:51 No.21826 del
(788.66 KB 1200x675 What is the truth.jpg)
There is only one kōan; what is the truth?

A kōan: is a story, dialogue, question, or statement from the Chinese Chan-lore, supplemented with commentaries, that is used in Zen practice to provoke the "great doubt" and initial insight of Zen-students. Prolonged koan-study shatters small-minded pride of, and identification with, this initial insight, and spurs further development of insight and compassion, and integration thereof in daily life and character.

It places special emphasis on the notion that enlightenment arises from the realization that seemingly opposite principles are in truth one. People normally use their (more or less) intellectual, logical, rational thinking to solve problems. But in Zen only an intuitive, creative solution of Koans is accepted. Koan practice develops the intuition, it prevents useless mental movements in circles.

Contemplating koans, which are paradoxical statements or questions worded to force one to abandon reason and gain insight into a transcendent truth. A well-known example is: "When both hands are clapped, a sound is produced; listen to the sound of one hand clapping."
