Anonymous 01/29/2024 (Mon) 14:15 No.21955 del
Your unhealthy obsession with me is really rocking off the charts, it's insane.
Please refrain from even talking about me anymore.
You're only drawing attention to yourselves.

>it must be a nightmare bei-
Yeah, it's a "nightmare" for you guys to live like an actual, normal, sane, human person that literally harms nobody nor do they stalk and harass thousands of fucking people with screenshots and claim every disorder on their victim, as well as multiple misinformation.

Not only that, you also attempt to drive some random innocent person to "hate" on me based off the stupid old videos which are IRRELEVANT, fake, and otherwise shouldnt have been recorded. You nearly ruined my fucking life, and it wasnt over a fucking project. You just hated me, yet you wanted to also be a fucking inept creep too. Even when I was a minor. Disgusting and insane of you.

Fuck off, you can't excuse your errors out of this.
For 3 years you said the same irrational bullshit about "autism", existing in general, "diaper" art, and hell maybe much more. For fuck sake I'm not even doing anything to you other than to stop. I'm not whining or "whinging", I don't fucking care what you say about something "not private", if a party asks you to stop you do what they say. Especially if you're a pedophile stalking cuntface and a general moron who can't understand basic boundaries. I told you to s top posting my face and even other images of such but you - like the creep you are - didn't do that. I even told you to stop posting the same asinine copypaste and theft. You didn't do that.

You don't just continue on for another year or two to win something that isn't a battle to win. That's just gonna decline your fucking health even further than it has, you absolute creep. You need counseling, immediately. Get the fuck off the internet. You hate me because I'm a normal person and not a paraphilic chronic stalker, a nd possibly because "i'm not a child anymore". You make me sick, Klim. But the rest of the board also does.

Dont get me started on how one person doesn't see that constant harassment and stalking (even on one site) on ONE INNOCENT INDIVIDUAL "isn't a problem". Fuck you.