Can you stop blaming me just because I call you out? You deserve it, btw. Anonymous 02/17/2024 (Sat) 00:49 No.22859 del
>this place is not go-
Stop blaming your own health on me, buddy. I'm behaving very well, and NOT preying on kids like you do.
>You really need to stop yourse-
Look who's fucking talking. You're stalking me all the time, even after my birthday. Even after all these years. Including Christmas.
Yes you stalk with your phone screenshots as well.
Back the fuck off from both this site, 4chan, and the whole internet in general.
Cut your internet. Don't think of kids.
>upset and lash ou-
No, I'm actually infuriated that you're blaming your own foolish behavior on me.
You're the only one - on your own volition - to ever make yourself behave the way YOU did.
>it is time to
It's time for you to actually leave me alone you creep.
>going to hel-
I've been helped already. I'm telling you this like I would tell a student that stranger danger is bad.
I've posted all documented evidence of your creepy behavior and that you need to "redeem" yourself by leaving for good and never returning. And getting fucking help as you so deserve, because elderly creeps like you can't be relying on the same ass websites for 4 hours all the time, even relying on people younger than you (but still mature an adult.).
In this case you're still obsessing over a 20 year old who has done nothing to you despite you being creepy at them when they were a minor.

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