Anonymous 03/07/2024 (Thu) 03:27 No.24098 del
the money comes from my ass, now kiss it
>dumpster and dead things
you're a disgusting necrophile, no one has ever mentioned that shit until you brought it up. even asking such question normally doesn't excuse anything. hell, an autistic would know better than to eat DEAD people or animals.
>stealing wi-
no we have our own wifi it gets paid automatically, its called "suckmycock360"
>local library
>in the buttfuck of PA
i pay your mama when i fuck her
well the jaydane stuff was short lived and pretty stupid back then, one person made me regret even choosing the name cuz they impersonated me. it was a serbian guy.
anytime i posted my work he would go out and claim "he owns it", but he does not. he doesn't have any creativity, all he has done in his crap life was edit my works into, you guessed it, scat.
he also doesn't know an actual way to own copyright. whereas i've already SIGNED my crap, because yeah it's a PRIVATE fucking creation and shit. and I created the damn flufferian species, hence it not being a closed species. And yet no one draws the open species, and i'm fine with that...
>multiple persona-
Lol I don't have those
The shmorky thing may have been short lived but it was fun learning his art style for a bit while it lasted
>chilean nutjob

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