Anonymous 04/07/2024 (Sun) 21:39 No.25435 del
licking poop isnt crazy
telling everyone on whar you wanted me to do is crazy??? fuck off you kept asking if i like scat or not
no, i didnnot post my nudes. I GOT FUCKING FORCIBLY EXPLOITED AGAINST MY ACTUAL WILL, AT AGE 17 YEARS OLD FOR THEM. You're a fucking blind, yet disrespectful person to CSA victims. Fuck you
doxxing wasnt crazy, and i only parodied the name so you wouldnt figure out
>we all know
you lie
i shower because i know how to do it myself
not because of a fake schizo team you made up
the laptop didnt even get toilet water, retard. i went out of the shower AFTER I TOOK IT. Jesus christ you're so retarded with your histories, you make queen aurora's stories seem perfect
>i never beat my mother?? this was years ago but it wasnt brutal abuse
>never stalked her. i was like 17 when i knew about their art or something but i did not groom or stalk at all
>protecting her from getting any nsfw because of her alleged age isnt enough to be blocked by.
>mever whipped out anyone but i never wanted to make history. you still violated ny privacy

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