I-AM-NOT-KLIM,dammit!##Q47iNJ 05/23/2024 (Thu) 02:34 No.28886 del
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Jordan, what you are doing is a CRIMINAL ACT, whether you want to believe that or not.

Everybody (even your own mother) blames it on your PDD, tho you will deny everything, you stupid fuckwit.

No one anywhere believes your lies anymore, Jordan.
No one.

How can (You?)

It's over, Jordan.
That's enough.

NOTE: This post will be absolutely tl;dr for Jordan, who won’t/can’t read or comprehend it at all, so will dismiss it – as usual [sigh].

We can't wait for his pure PDD autistic retard sperg rage response to all of this latest shit revealing what he's done (as usual)... oh, don't forget the screaming dismissive denials, outright lies, misdirected nonsense and childish delusional bullshit gibberish etc etc.

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