Anonymous 06/18/2024 (Tue) 21:42 No.31194 del
>i do believe myself
Til you break down and do those freak voices while saying it's not you.
>because i'm not the type of person to use my REAL family into my FICTIONAL creations.
No, you just post images of them, while demanding we call you Mack.
>it's your fault for misreading even the slightest clear tone.
You have to excuse me, these pills don't make me catch PDD, simply nausea and drowsy symptoms.
>What are you talking about, I'm not playing fates with you.
Idfk what that is.
This tard we call Geordie, you must be new here..
>Dude what are you talking about
Nothing that concerns you.
>Why would anyone put their self into the other party's shoes?
It's called empathy, something you never learned.
>I've never done erotic roleplaying. Stop falsely accusing everything.

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