Anonymous 07/06/2024 (Sat) 13:08 No.33950 del
i do know what its like, because i dont hold sympathy for freaks like you that steal art constantly. and you dont even do shit to make your life better, you dont pay bills, take any pharmacy pills or any of the shit that could've saved you from the hellhole known as the internet. if you REALLY Hated me you would've just fucking blocked this website and shut off your computer.
NO, you BRAINDEAD retard. IT's actually "jordan" not "george" or anything like that. Nicknames aren't legal entities.
maybe take care of it more next time so you don't euthanize your pet and spend LESS time on DRINKING
Holy fucking ghoss vibes, this is fucking why I hate you.
>durrrr pd-
this is not pervasive, i have developed enough to tell you a grown man like you "brohugging" someone you'll never meet because you're from bumfuck australia - is not something to be proud of.
You are not honest, you're pretending because you're not on antipsychotics. If you truly cared you would not waste your days on fucking 4chan and stalk me. You would've fucking "apologized" in a way that makes me take you seriously, but you'd rather not address the shit I've caught you doing for years.
>it's not easy
Because you don't pay bills or do shit worthwhile. The internet is not something you're gonna die on.
Who's a "few people"? No one browses this board but you and other two anons. That's not "a few".
Plus you've never had a dog nor even bought one to see it "die" early. Oh wait you're not fit for one. Is THAT "selfish" to you? For fuck stop using words you don't know real context for.

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