Anonymous 07/23/2024 (Tue) 07:17 No.34906 del
>I am not Dr. Disrespect or Kris Tyson.
Again, no idea who any of these people that live in your head are.
>I have not encouraged behavior from anybody here.
But you have on other sites.
>You don't need to re-iterate the same lie again.
I'm not the one with pdd.
>Teenagers are not my problem
We know, they're your prey.
>Sit motionlessly and think the world is crumbling apart
You could have paid attention to school instead, focused on eating healthy, improved your hygiene even.
>Never did.
Then how does this board know you exist?
>there are no secret cameras either
Only toilet cams
>Being into fictional cartoons isnt the same damn thing and you know it.
Do that degen horror show in private. You instead forced it on Rot and his pals, to the point they started recording you to get you to back off.

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