Anonymous 08/06/2024 (Tue) 06:55 No.35699 del
That's not even what I'm busy doing. I have been producing a typeface today, but then why should I show it to a bunch of three ragtag people who do nothing but circlejerk over the same subject. It was much "better" when you were at the very least calling me a lolcow and not trying to do the same allegations you pulled out your ass. I don't even masturbate to voice calls.
>t-those are the-
No they are not facts, grow up and leave. You're literally putting your health at risk just for engaging with a stranger.
>makes the things you have alread-
I still draw fictional porn and non-porn and I design logos, drawings and other visual material that's indistinguishable from literal people. Yes. You already see me drawing and insulting it. You should go away.
Where's the 'medical evidence'? You're not a doctor or any psychological person. No, saying it randomly from your head and typing it doesn't count. You're already unfit to be any doctor, even a dentist.
So it's either I'm horny or I'm deniably some child to you? You're a sick fuck even if you're not being sexual about the latter. I am not a child. And I'm not an "adult" for you to throw tomatoes at.
>definition: reversing someone's opinion
So what opinion did you reverse? Moron. I can't admit to something already deniable.
But I HATE Sesame Street. Other muppet productions that aren't The Muppets are better.
No, you poorly impersonating retard.

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