Anonymous 08/07/2024 (Wed) 04:09 No.35752 del
But did I CUM in the video??? Because I don't really think I've done that.
I've actually resisted what I've never wanted to do in front of people. No this doesnt imply I jerk off to people at all.
I don't talk dirty to people.
I'm actually *well*, unlike you. I don't go my way to talk to someoen I dont know for every damn day. It's however, worse for the fact you don't read.
riolu's not my victim??? i DON'T EVEN HAVE VICTIMS. this dude was a grown ass man who let his ego get the best of him until he got help and he went off the internet. he luckily didnt get arrested (because yes, his autism).
He was groomed BY an actual evil person, that person's name is DuskThe Raccoon.
I'm sure Riolu KNEW it was harmful to do any IRL inflation for evne other minors too. I've still known he was online but never really bothered him. His last screen name for what I recall is Kitty Softpaw.