Anonymous 08/19/2024 (Mon) 13:16 No.36373 del
>wah wah wah
good to know you're an ungrateful, impatient, and ignorant person that can't tell difference between old and new, or worse, you can't understand that not everything is disclosed to any public place. you're a horrendously fake cartoon fan
i know what they mean unlike you. because i do research (and also learn about what it is instead of "pretending". i wouldnt just think grooming is a natural pet thing to do (aka caring for a pet irl, not sexually ofc because zoophilia lol)

-paraphilia means an "abnormal" disorder involving sexual fantasies that are otherwise considered illegal (read pedophilia, zoophilia, or necro.) obvioulsy drawings of unrealistic things dont fit to this category

-grooming means building a trust to take advantage of another party in sexual terms (something i dont do)

-pervasive developmental disorder is obviously characterized by delays and communication skills (which i do not have, not everyone learns to talk at a month old or 3 years old.)

-parroting means exactly what it means; you repeat yourself a lot, and certain people (even strangers) find it annoying, and they may almost always ignore you unless you make it a real problem.

-mental age is just a concept of intelligence made by a rando person (probably 4channers or outside of such), and is used to project onto someone that thinks they're acting like a child (but they aren't)

-projection is kind of like above, except you're not being repetitive, just plain out claiming things back and forth until you get tired of it. if it's impossible to NOT make false claims out of your ass against me then you have a sanity problem

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